If you prefer to own second hand copies of the vintage books you discover here, most of them may be found online at sites such as,,,, and eBay.
Finally, special thanks to Elva Hurst for inspiring this project.

It may have jumped quickly from the sanctuary to vaudeville, to the Chautauqua Circuit and beyond, but Chalk Talk's roots can be traced to the Methodist church - and a singular individual - Mr. Frank Beard (1842-1905). Here are his reflections on how it happened (excerpted from an interview in 1895):
"There is no man in the United States who can give forth ideas in this manner as he can. He is, you know, the originator of the chalk talk, and there is hardly a town in the United States in which he has not given this sort of a lecture, standing on the platform with a roll of paper stretched on an easel before him, and with a half-dozen colored crayons in his hand. He carries his audiences [away] with him while he draws pictures illustrating the philosophy, fun and satire which he throws at them in solid chunks. There are today a score or more of this kind of entertainers in the United States. Frank Beard, however, was the author of the business, and he made today a sketch for me in illustration of his story as to how he came to make the first chalk talk. Said he:
'It is now more than twenty years since I gave my first talk of this kind. I was a young artist in New York, and had just gotten married. My wife was an enthusiastic churchgoer and a great deal of our courtship was carried on in going to and from the Methodist church. The result was that I struck a revival and became converted. This occurred shortly after I was married, and like other enthusiastic young Christians, I wanted to do all I could for the church. I was on hand at all the meetings, and I took part in all the church work.
Now, our church, like many others in the United States, was very hard up. We were always needing money for something, and we tried to supply this by means of entertainments and socials. Soon after I joined [the church] the young people gave an exhibition, and the ladies suggested that I draw some pictures as a part of it. I consented, but I felt that the standing-up before an audience and sketching without saying anything in illustration of the pictures would be a very silly thing. So I concluded to make a short talk and draw the sketches in illustration of it.

I wrote out my story and rehearsed it half a dozen times beforehand. The entertainment was for a Thanksgiving celebration, and my rehearsal took place at home. My wife, my mother-in-law and the turkey, which we tied up in a chair, forming the audience. Well, my wife survived, my mother-in-law did not die while I was talking, and the turkey was not spoiled.
The exhibition came off in the church, and it was a great success. Other churches heard of it, and I had applications to repeat it again and again. At first I was flattered, and I readily consented. I never thought of charging for it until the demands became so numerous that I was unable to fill them. It was taking much of my energy and lots of time. To put a stop to it my wife suggested that I charge so much for each entertainment. So, when the next application came, I replied that I could oblige them, but that it would cost $30. To my surprise they accepted my offer by return mail. It was so with nearly everyone who wrote, and I soon found that I was making more at my chalk talks than at my newspaper work.'"
The full article from the Deseret News, Sep. 17, 1895, can be read HERE. A short bio of Frank Beard is posted at Christian Comics International. See "Frank Beard: An American Sunday-School Artist" HERE. Frank wrote an article about chalk talk in 1883 for the St. Nicholas magazine found HERE. You may also see some of his books listed BELOW.
Here is a fascinating excerpt from Four Girls at Chautauqua (1876), Chapter 25 "Sermons in Chalk":
"Frank Beard was one of Chautauqua's favorites...[he] was so quaint, so original, so innocent in his originality, so pure and high toned, even in his fun, and they liked him so much that every heart there responded to his mirth. The roars of laughter reached as high as the music had done...

How did Frank Beard do it with a dull colored crayon and a half-dozen movements of his skillful arm? How can I tell, except that God has given to the arm wondrous skill; but there appeared before that astonished multitude a foundation as of granite, and there rose from it...a cross!"

This British filmmaker created the first animated film in America. Before creating cartoons, Blackton was a vaudeville performer known as "The Komikal Kartoonist." In his act, he drew "lightning sketches" or chalk talks.
After meeting Thomas Edison in 1895, Blackton was inspired to put his drawings on film. His first creation was "The Enchanted Drawing" (1900). Using trick film techniques which he developed, the drawing magically comes alive!
To view this classic, click THE ENCHANTED DRAWING.

Windsor McCay started performing "chalk talks" on vaudeville in 1906, as a sideline to his regular newspaper cartooning. Gertie the Dinosaur was originally created to be used in this vaudeville act.
A prolific artist, McCay pioneered early animated films and set a standard followed by Walt Disney and others in later decades. To view a portion of this 1914 classic, click HERE.

Much of the writing connected with Chalk Talk uses the term "crayon" as freely as the word "chalk." So, what material was actually used? The vintage ad to the right (1920s) should clear up the confusion. It reads: "Lecture crayon is a soft crayon composition which comes to you in square sticks of various colors in brilliant contrasts, according to pressure applied in drawing them over the tightly stretched paper surface. Wonderful picture effects and fascinating comic presentations are quickly produced after a little practice with these PASTEL-LIKE [chalk, not wax] crayons."
The same advertisement lists GRAY BOGUS paper in the following sizes: 24x36, 30x44 and 36x48. Most modern chalk artists are working on formats much larger than our pioneers.
Titles in BLUE are available for download NOW - many more to come!
For a listing of current titles still in print, click here: CURRENT CHALK CLASSICS
- Albright, Nancy T. (1 listing: Do Tell! Holiday Draw and Tell Stories)
- Andrews, Val (2 listings: How Do You Doodle? - Lightning Cartoons for Magicians; More Doodles - Another Collection of Material for the Modern Cartoon Artist)
- Arthur, J.W. (1 listing: Blackboard Talks with Boys and Girls)
- Bailey, Henry Turner (1 listing: The Blackboard in Sunday School)
- Baker, C.W. (2 listings: The Blackboard in Sunday School; Chalk Talks - Learning By Seeing)
- Balda, John G. (3 listings: 20 Patriotic Lightning Cartoon Stunts; Hand Colored Landscape Scenes for the Chalk Talker - Sets 1-4; Trick Drawings for Chalk Talkers - Sets 1-9)
- Barnett, Stella O. (3 listings: Better Chalk Talks; How to Make Chalk Talk; Illustrated Hymn Talks)
- Barr, Art (1 listing: You Can be a Chalk Artist)
- Bartholomew, Charles Lewis (4 listings: Chalk Talk and Crayon Presentations; Patriotic Programs of Loyalty Numbers for Chalk Talkers; The Bart Chalk Talk System; Their Best Stunts)
- Beard, Frank (3 listings: Bible Symbols; The Blackboard in the Sunday School; One Hundred Sermon Pictures)
- Belsey, F.F. (1 listing: The Bible and the Blackboard: Scripture Lessons for Eye and Ear)
- Bengough, John Wilson (1 listing: Bengough's Chalk Talk)
- Bixler, William Allen (3 listings: Chalk Talk Made Easy; Fifty Chalk Talk Programs; How to Picture Hymns with Chalk)
- Bjorklund, Harry C. (8 listings: Chalk Talkies; Doodle Art; Fun For All; Peppy Picture Stunts; Simple Snappy Comic Trick Cartoons Books 1-3; Trick-See-Art)
- Bridges, Jeanne (1 listing: Chalk Talk for Chatechists)
- Brown, Lourie Ottis (3 listings: Chalk Talks; Crayon Talks; Rapid Hand Drawing)
- Buchanan, M.C. (1 listing: Chalk Talks For Farm Audiences and Other Groups)
- Burman, W. (1 listing: Talk Plus Chalk - A Handbook for Teachers)
- Burrows, J.F. (2 listings: The Lightning Artist - A Treatise on the Art of Lightning Sketches, Cartoons, etc.; The Stage Artist)
- Burton, Kate (1 listing: Blackboard Drawing in Six Lessons)
- Cataldo, John, W. (1 listing: Calligraphy & Letterforms in Chalk)
- Christman, Edward F. (2 listings: Chalk Talkers Portfolio; Stunts With Chalk)
- Cobb, Walter Frank (1 listing: Chalk Talks on Health and Safety)
- Crafts, Rev. Wilbur Frank (2 listings: Blackboard Temperance Lessons; Through the Eye to the Heart aka Plain Uses of the Blackboard and Slate)
- Cross, Luther S. (1 listing: Chalk Chuckles)
- Crapullo, George, A. (1 listing: Blackboard Outlines - Through Eye and Ear to Heart and Mind)
- Crowley, Elmer S. (1 listing: Snappy Chalk Talks)
- Davis, Ella Dora (1 listing: Blackboard Illustrations and Beacon Lights from God's Word)
- Edwards, Walter N. (1 listing: Notes of One Hundred Black-Board Addresses for All Ages)
- Ellis, Howard Woodrow (1 listing: How to Draw and Speak)
- Everett, Paul (1 listing: Some Chalk-Atoons - Lecture Notes)
- Findler, Gerald (2 listings: How to Do Chalk Cartoons; Lightning Cartoons)
- Githens, Harry Wright (1 listing: Hymns Illustrated with Chalk)
- Gordon, Addie (1 listing: Addies First Book of Bible Stories - Chalk Art for All Ages)
- Grieger, Merry (1 listing: Chalkin' For Children)
- Griffith, Eva K. (1 listing: Chalk Talk Hand Book)
- Griswold, Bert J. (1 listing: Crayon & Character)
- Harris, Ed (6 listings: 40 Fun Chalk Talk Gags; A Fun Packed Portfolio of Chalk-Talker's Cartoon Magic; Chalk-Talker's Comic Trickartoons; Chalk-Talk Stunts for the Clown; Comic Trick Cartoons; The Chalk-Talk Alphabet)
- Henrickson, Arthur Allen (1 listing: How to Give a Cartoon Chalk Talk)
- Hintz, W. Bertha (1 listing: Illustrative Blackboard Sketching)
- Holdcraft, Paul E. (2 listings: Outline Chalk Talks; Snappy Sketches for the Church Blackboard)
- Hull (Lehnus), Opal (2 listings: Something New in Chalk Talks; More Chalk Talks)
- Hunt, Lionel (2 listings: Chalk Talks for the Amateur; More Chalk Talks for the Amateur)
- Keel-Smith, Hilda (1 listing: Blackboard Story-Telling)
- Key, Sandra (1 listing: 58 Bible Chalk Talks)
- Kindig, Leslie James (1 listing: 26 Chalk Talk Sermonettes)
- Kistler, Kerry (3 listings: Chalk Art - Catching the Vision; Chalk Art & Showmanship; Creating Hidden Pictures the Sneaky E-Z Way)
- Kuhn, Charles Harris (1 listing: Doc Kuhn's Chalk Talk Tricks)
- Landin, Leslie (1 listing: A Handbook of Blackboard Cartooning and Ideas for Teachers)
- Lemos, John Thomas (1 listing: New Ideas for Chalk Talks)
- Lewis, Daniel Elwood (1 listing: Happy Hours For the Boys and Girls)
- Linsted, Leonard (1 listing: The Chalk That Talks - Chalk Talks for Children)
- Loscalzo, Dick (2 listings: Cartoon Stunts; Complete Course of Cartoon Stunts)
- McCormick, Tom (1 listing: Safety Chalk Talks)
- Miller, Frank A. (1 listing: Evangelistic Chalk Talks & a Song on Character & Destiny)
- Mitchell, Rev. John (1 listing: How to Gain the Eye of the Young: Blackboard Illustrated Object Lessons)
- Munro, George McKenzie (3 listings: A Night With the Moon & On a Tram - 2 Lightning Chalk-Talk Sketches; Art in Ten Minutes - A Lightning Sketch Lecture; Lightning Sketches)
- Nast, Thomas (1 listing: Chalk Talk)
- O'Conner, Jerome (1 listing: Chalk Talks - Teaching Catechism Graphically)
- Oldfield, Margaret Jean (Olson) (3 listing: Lots More Tell & Draw Stories; More Tell & Draw Stories; Tell & Draw Stories)
- Pearce, Perce (1 listing: How to Give a Chalk Talk)
- Pflomm, Phyllis N. (1 listing: Chalk in Hand - The Draw and Tell Book)
- Pickering, Hy (1 listing: Bright Beams from the Blackboard - 100 Original Chalk-Talks on Gospel Themes)
- Pierce, Rev. Robert Fletcher Young (3 listings: Pencil Points for Preacher and Teacher; Pictured Truth; Blackboard Efficiency)
- Prescott, C.E. (1 listing: Chalk Talk and Cartooning)
- Rand, David (1 listing: Cartooning for Profit - Lesson 14 Chalk Talk Cartoons)
- Ritchie, John (1 listing: Blackboard Lessons)
- Rogers, W.R. (1 listing: You Can Give a Chalk Talk)
- Ryde, Arthur E. (1 listing: Ryde's Chalk-Talk Service)
- Saint, Phil (1 listing: Drawing Men to Christ)
- Seiler, Walter (1 listing: Chalk Talk)
- Shafer, Albert (1 listing: Having Fun With Chalk)
- Smith, E.H. (1 listing: Gospel Chalk Talks)
- Smith, Wade Cothran (3 listings: The Little Jetts Telling Bible Stories; The Little Jetts Bible [Two volumes - Old & New Testament]; The Little Jetts Youth Talks)
- Steel, James G. (1 listing: Water for the Water Pots - Blackboard Outlines)
- Stone, Eric (1 listing: Cartoon Secrets - The Whole Art Explained & Illustrated)
- Sweeting, George (2 listings: How to Be a Chalk Artist; Ideas for the Chalk Artist)
- Tarbell, Harlan (6 listings: Chalk Talk Stunts, Chalk Talks for Sunday School; Fun With Chalk; How To Chalk Talk; Tarbell's Chalk Talk Book; The Chalk Manual)
- Taylor, Rex (1 listing: Cartooning Made Easy)
- Thorndike, Chuck (1 listing: Are You a Doodler? - A Modern Chalk-Talk Series)
- Truman, Clyde (3 listings: How to Give a Chalk Talk; Suggestions, Tricks, Evolutions for the Chalk Talker 1-4; Truman's Chalk Talk Ideas No. 1 & 2)
- Vallance, George Frederick (1 listing: Object Lessons and Blackboard Talks)
- Van DeVenter, J.W. (1 listing: Chalk Talks for Young People)
- Whitney, Frederick (2 listings: Blackboard Drawing; Blackboard Sketching)
- Wilkinson, Nellie Buchanan (1 listing: Chalk Art)
- Windsor Tommy (2 listings: Collected Cartoon Stunts; War Talks for Chalk Talkers & Ventriloquists)
- Wood, Ella Nancy (5 listings: Chalk - or We Can Do It; Bible Nature Stories in Chalk; Chalk Talks with Boys and Girls; On the Highway; Talks in Crayon & Chalk)
- Zobell, Albert L. Jr. (1 listing: Chalk Talks)
- Zwall, Jerry (2 listings: Teaching the Word With Chalk; Your Chalk Can Talk)
For a listing of current titles still in print, click here: CURRENT CHALK CLASSICS

by Nancy T. Albright, 1987 [revised and enlarged edition], Moonlight Press, ?pp.
Contents: To come
DOWNLOAD HERE (soon)(?pp., ?mb)
Read more about Nancy Albright HERE. (Under research)
(This title is out of print but still under copyright. Currently researching/seeking permission from owner)

by Val Andrews, 196?, Supreme Magic: UK, 42 pp. (later edition on right?)
Contents: To come
DOWNLOAD HERE (soon)(?pp., ?mb)
Read more about Val Andrews HERE. (Under research)
(This title is out of print but still under copyright. Currently researching/seeking permission from owner)

MORE DOODLES: Another Collection of Material for the Modern Cartoon Artist
by Val Andrews, 1950, Supreme Magic: UK, 20pp. (later edition on right ?)
Contents: To come
DOWNLOAD HERE (soon)(?pp., ?mb)
Read more about Val Andrews HERE. (Under research)
(This title is out of print but still under copyright. Currently researching/seeking permission from owner)

by Henry Turner Bailey, 1899, W.A. Wilde, Co.: Boston, 131pp.
Contents: 1. The Sunday-School, 2. The Method of the Master, 3. The Method of the Schools, 4. The Bequest of the Fathers, 5. The Open Secret, 6. The Gift of the Printers, 7. The Pathway to Skill, 8. The Test of Power, 9. The Secret of Success
DOWNLOAD HERE (1899 edition, 137pp., 3.33mb) or READ ONLINE HERE at
Read more about Henry Turner Bailey HERE.
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)
by C.W. Baker, 1940, Standard Publishing, Co.: OH, 165pp. (a revised 1959 edition has 126pp.)
Contents: To come
DOWNLOAD HERE (soon)(?pp., ?mb)
Read more about C.W. Baker HERE. (Under research)
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)
by C.W. Baker, 1950, Standard Publishing Co.: OH, 136pp.
Contents: To come
DOWNLOAD HERE (soon)(?pp., ?mb)
Read more about C.W. Baker HERE. (Under research)
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)
BALDA, JOHN G. (1895-1978)

by John G. Balda, 1942?, Balda Art Service: Osh Kosh, WI, ?pp.
Contents: To come
DOWNLOAD HERE (soon)(?pp., ?mb)
Read more about John G. Balda HERE on The Chalk Loft.
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)

by John G. Balda, 1920s?, Balda Art Service: Osh Kosh, WI, 40pp. (loose)
"These are hand colored Landscape Scenes used by Chalk Talkers for variety in their program. Scenes are on sheets size 4x7 inches, which you practice until able to draw them from memory on large sheets before an audience. To enhance the beauty of a scene, have appropriate music accompany you. We have 4 different Sets of Scenes. (10 scenes to a Set) Simple instructions for drawing the Scenes are included [not religious in design]." (from Balda Art Service Catatog E)
DOWNLOAD HERE (soon)(?pp., ?mb)
Read more about John G. Balda HERE on The Chalk Loft.
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)
by John G. Balda, 1919-1946 (#1 - 1919; #2 - 1920; #3 - 1921; #4 - 1922; #5 - 1924; #6 - 1926; #7 - 1929; #8 - 1939; #9 - 1946), Balda Art Service: Osh Kosh, WI, 16pp. each
Contents: To come
Read more about John G. Balda HERE on The Chalk Loft.
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)
BARNETT, STELLA, O (1903- ?)

by Stella O. Barnett, 1951, Fleming H. Revell, 96pp.
Contents: Methods and Materials, Enlarging Figures, 1. Christ is the Good Shepherd, 2. The Storms of Life, 3. The Search for Peace, 4. The Pilgrimage, 5. Love One Another, 6. Seek Ye My Face, 7. Everlasting Strength, 8. How Excellent is Thy Lovingkindness, O God!, 9. The Heart That is Pure, 10. The Desert in Bloom, 11. Springtime Miracles, 12. Thanksgiving That Never Ceases, 13. Nearer My God to Thee, 14. The Glory of Man’s Dignity, 15. Living Waters, 16. The Fisherman’s Paradise, 17. Abide in My Love, 18. The Place Where I Pray Is the Wide Open, 19. Be Still and Know That I Am God!, 20. Youth Reflects
DOWNLOAD HERE (soon)(?pp., ?mb)
Read more about Stella O. Barnett HERE. (Under research)
(This title is out of print but may still be under copyright. Currently researching/seeking permission from owner)
by Stella O. Barnett, 1938, Fleming H. Revell, 90pp.
Contents: To come
DOWNLOAD HERE (soon)(?pp., ?mb)
Read more about Stella O. Barnett HERE. (Under research)
(This title is out of print but may still be under copyright. Currently researching/seeking permission from owner)

by Art Barr, 1978, David C. Cook (originally Accent Books: Denver, CO, 104pp.
Contents: To come
DOWNLOAD HERE (soon)(?pp., ?mb)
Read more about Art Barr HERE. (Under research)
©1978 Cook Communications Ministries/Accent Publications. You Can Be a Chalk Artist by Art Barr. Used with permission. May not be published in any print or hardcopy form. All rights reserved.
by Charles Bartholomew, 1922, Fredrick J. Drake and Co., 159pp.
Contents: 1. Chalk Talk Possibilities, 2. Chalk Talk Development, 3. Chalk Talk Practice, 4. Chalk Talk Equipment, 5. First Performance, 6. Chalk Talk Classification, 7. Ten Standard Stunts, 8. Chalk Talk Achievement, 9. How to Succeed in Chalk Talk
DOWNLOAD HERE (1922 edition, 164pp., 10.7mb) or READ ONLINE HERE at
Read more about Charles Bartholomew HERE and HERE.
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)
by Charles Lewis Bartholomew, 1928, Bart Publications: Minneapolis, 84pp.
Contents or Description:
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Read more about Charles Bartholomew HERE and HERE.
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)

by Frank Beard, 1904, Uplift Publishing Co.: NY, 182pp. (also a 1908 ed. by Hertel, Jenkins Co.)
Contents: "Rebuses are picture puzzles. In this book, stories from both the Old and New Testaments are brought to life in a series of rebuses that make a superb introduction to the teachings of the Bible. Symbols associated with important Biblical passages are joined by illustrations of the most famous stories.
Beautifully ornamented pages illustrate God's creation of Earth; the flood, Noah's Ark, and the rainbow of promise; Joseph and his coat of many colors; David's battle against Goliath; Daniel in the lions' den; and the birth of Jesus. Also presented in this unique format are the best-loved proverbs, parables, and psalms.
Both children and adults will enjoy puzzling over the meanings of the symbols and artwork that provide stimulation for continued study of the Scriptures. There are also quizzes that families will enjoy answering together.
This striking visual presentation of Old and New Testament stories makes THE BIBLE THROUGH PICTURES a unique volume for the family bookshelf." (from the 2000 edition)
Read more about Frank Beard at the top of this site or HERE.
First cover is a 1904 edition. Second cover is a 1908 edition. Third cover is a 1908 leather edition.
DOWNLOAD HERE (1908 edition, 190pp., 22.4mb) or READ ONLINE HERE at
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)

by Frank Beard, 1877, T.J. Carey, 203pp.
Contents: "This new book is designed to show how the Blackboard can be used in the Sunday school, and to furnish such instruction in drawing upon it, and other information, as shall enable Superintendents and Teachers who desire to adopt it to do so understandingly and effectively. This use of the Blackboard has become very general, and is steadily extending. Many Sunday school workers consider it a most valuable addition to the working power of the school. The following will give an idea of the scope of Mr. Beard's book:
Introductory—Use of the Blackboard in Religious Instruction—Rudiments of Drawing on the Blackboard—Hints for Practice—Perspective—Simple Marks and Remarks—Geography on the Blackboard—Lettering—Alliterations, Acrostics, etc.—Pictorial Teaching—'Chalk Talks'—Chalk Sermons—Rudiments of Drawing the Human Head, Face, and Figure—Use of Color on the Blackboard—Reviews—Model Allegories—Some Objections Considered—Use and Abuse of the Blackboard—Types and Symbols—Emblematic Bible Service—Conclusion.
A multitude of minor hints and helps are also strewn throughout Mr. Beard's pages. ILLUSTRATED WITH OVER 200 ENGRAVINGS." (Taken from ad copy in the 1878 Galaxy vol. 25.)
Read more about Frank Beard at the top of this site or HERE.
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)

by Frank T. Beard, 1902, Ram's Horn Company, 100pp?
Description: Beard became a famous cartoonist in the late 19th century, his cartoons appearing in Judge. Around 1893 Beard began illustrating for The Ram's Horn, a Christian periodical published in Chicago. This 100 plate, full-color edition of Beard's artwork features pro-Christian, temperance, political and morality themed cartoons (see sample, left). Each image is accompanied by Bible verses.
DOWNLOAD HERE (soon)(?pp., ?mb)
Read more about Frank Beard at the top of this site or HERE.
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)
with a dust jacket

BENGOUGH'S CHALK-TALKS: A Series of Platform Addresses on Various Topics, with reproductions of the impromptu drawings with which they were illustrated
by J. W. Bengough, 1922, Musson Book Co., Toronto, 162pp.
Contents: 1. Reminiscences of a Chalk Talker, 2. The Picture Potentialities of Things in General, 3. A Chalk Talk for Schools, 4. Santa Claus and Mother Goose, 5. Woman Suffrage, 6. Free Trade, 7. The Social Questions, 8. Anti-Barleycorn, 9. Do Your Bit
DOWNLOAD HERE (1922 edition, 168pp., 12.3mb) or READ ONLINE HERE at
Read more about J.W. Bengough at, the Canadian Cartoonist Hall of Fame or at A 12 page bio by Bengough's brother can be read HERE.
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)

by William Allen Bixler, 1932, Warner Press: Anderson, IN, 129pp.
“The main secret in chalk talk lies in the fact that the audience sees the picture grow by every line, their curiosity is aroused and they are constantly held in expectation till the final result. Many persons have held back from using the chalk and crayon because they have not known that the principles are within their grasp…Any person who desires to develop his ability as a chalk talker will find here the cream of principles necessary for such development.” (from the Introduction)
First cover is a 1932 edition. Second cover is a 1953 edition. Third cover is a 1958 edition.
DOWNLOAD HERE (1958 edition, 128pp., 9.91mb) or READ ONLINE HERE at
Read about how William Bixler developed such fast speed as an artist HERE or HERE.
(Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)
by William Allen Bixler, 1933, Warner Press: Anderson, IN, 64pp.
Description: “This book is compiled from the many programs the Author has used in his years of experience as a chalk artist. Chalk talks can and should be as important in salvation work as the profound message of the most powerful ministers of today.” (from the Introduction)
DOWNLOAD HERE (soon)(?pp., ?mb)
Read more about William Allen Bixler HERE.
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)
by William Allen Bixler, 1940, Warner Press: Anderson, IN, 94pp.
Contents: To come
DOWNLOAD HERE (soon)(?pp., ?mb)
Read more about William Allen Bixler HERE.
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)

by Harry C. Bjorklund, 19??, Self published, 28pp.
"Contains 32 Stunts that will enable both the amateur and professional artist to put over a Chalk Talk more successfully. EACH STUNT IS GUARANTEED TO AMUSE ANY AUDIENCE. Has been used with much success at Schools, Churches, Clubs, & Theatres. This Book Contains: 27 Trick Cartoons & Chalk Stunts, A Treatise on Smoke Pictures including two scenes, A Picture formed from Rags, A Stunt in Paper Cutting, A Novelty Picture from Articles, 'The Indian', A Chalk Talk Finish." (taken from 1938 ad copy in The Tops magic magazine)
You may read more about Harry Bjorklund HERE. (Researching)
(Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)
by Harry C. Bjorklund, 1929, Self published, 31p. (later Magic, Inc. edition shown on right)
"In this new form of entertainment, which is presented in this original
book, practically anyone can become a star entertainer, one who will be in demand, and able to entertain at any function, whether business or to amuse friends. 'Chalk Talkies' involve no particular skill! Anyone Can Do It! This book of 40 stunts contains: 6 Trick Pictures, 11 Trick Cartoons or Evolutions (with patter), 4 Mathematical Monologues, 8 Practical 'Stunt Stories', 11 Miscellaneous Stunts." (taken from 1938 ad copy in The Tops magic magazine)
DOWNLOAD HERE (soon)(?pp., ?mb)
You may read more about Harry Bjorklund HERE. (Researching)
(Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)
by Harry C. Bjorklund, 1943, Self published, 43pp. (later Magic, Inc., edition shown at left)
Contents: To come
DOWNLOAD HERE (soon)(?pp., ?mb)
Read more about Harry C. Bjorklund HERE. (Under research)
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)

by Harry C. Bjorklund, c. 1937, Self published, 31pp. (first edition shown at left; later Magic Inc. edition shown at right)
"One of the best books ever on Comic Trick Pictures. Over 30 New Stunts by H. C. Bjorklund. This is without a doubt one of the best illustrated Chalk Talk books ever published, with every step so clearly shown that anyone can learn them. COMIC TRICK CARTOONS, EVOLUTIONS, UPSIDEDOWN PICTURES and RAPID-FIRE NOVELTIES galore. For the professional lightning trick cartoonist as well as the amateur platform artist this book is a gold mine of information." (taken from 1938 ad copy in The Tops Magic Magazine)
DOWNLOAD HERE (soon)(?pp., ?mb)
Read more about Harry C. Bjorklund HERE. (Under research)
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)
by Harry C. Bjorklund, c. 1943, Self published, 31pp.
Contents: Will post review from Tops Magic magazine, Oct. 1943, p.9
DOWNLOAD HERE (soon)(?pp., ?mb)
Read more about Harry C. Bjorklund HERE. (Under research)
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)
by Harry C. Bjorklund, 1946, Self publ., 32pp. (Magic, Inc., 1974 edition shown on right)
Contents: With contributions from well known artists and chalk talk lecturers - all new and original.
DOWNLOAD HERE (soon)(?pp., ?mb)
Read more about Harry C. Bjorklund HERE. (Under research)
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)

by Harry C. Bjorklund, 1939, Self published, 44pp.(?)
"First time advertised. A most complete work on Caricature and Cartoons for Chalk Talk Artists. More than 100 different designs including, Comedy Pictures and Upside Down Studies. No artistic ability necessary to get results once you have TRICK-SEE-ART. 30 pages, size 8x11." (taken from 1940 ad copy in The Tops magic magazine)
DOWNLOAD HERE (soon)(?pp., ?mb)
Read more about Harry C. Bjorklund HERE. (Under research)
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)

by Lourie Ottis Brown, 1928, Ryerson: Toronto, 103pp. (shown with and without dust jacket) There is also an ed. by John C. Williams, 105pp.
A selection of fifty stories, and fifty simple drawings, all leading to religious interpretations, or lessons.
"This book comes as an answer to the growing need of illustrated talks along spiritual lines. Its aim is to enable any person to present gospel truths in an impressive and fascinating manner. One is not required to be an artist to use this material effectively. The amateur has been kept in mind constantly. Those who wish to illustrate religious truths with the crayon will find great pleasure in the chalk talk work." (from the Forward)
DOWNLOAD HERE (soon)(?pp., ?mb)
Read more about Lourie Ottis Brown HERE. (Under research)
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)
by Lourie Ottis Brown, 1941, F.H. Revell, 107pp. (shown with and without dust jacket)
"That the eye-gate has a far greater appeal than the ear-gate is a fact generally accepted - a picture having been said to be 'worth a thousand words.' One need not be an artist to take advantage of the eye-gate method here set forth, for the simplified drawings in this book make it possible for anyone to illustrate these talks before an audience with a few easily drawn strokes.
The public speaker, lecturer, teacher, missionary, evangelist, preacher and minister who presents facts in pictures pleasingly conveys truth through the most impressive, attractive and lasting method. The author in his years of experience has found the using of the crayon, while speaking to an audience a most entertaining and helpful way of attracting and holding the interest of both 'grown-uyps' and children." (from the Forward)
DOWNLOAD HERE (soon)(?pp., ?mb)
Read more about Lourie Ottis Brown HERE. (Under research)
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)
by Lourie Ottis Brown, 1920, Meigs Publishing Co.: Indianapolis, IN, 32pp.
Contents: To come
DOWNLOAD HERE (soon)(?pp., ?mb)
Read more about Lourie Ottis Brown HERE. (Under research)
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)
CHALK TALKS FOR FARM AUDIENCES AND OTHER GROUPS: Including a Collection of Jokes and Original Poems
by M.C. Buchanan, 1950, T.S. Denison & Co., 112pp.
Contents: To come
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Read more about M.C. Buchanan HERE. (Under research)
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)

by J.F. Burrows, 1905?, Hamley Brothers, Limited, London: UK, 82pp.
Contents: J.F. Burrows performed under the stage name Karlyn. Harry Houdini had a copy of this booklet in his collection. More to come...
DOWNLOAD HERE (soon)(?pp., ?mb)
Read more about J.F. Burrows HERE. (Under research)
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)
by J.F. Burrows, c.1912, Daisy Bank Printers & Publ. Co., Manchester: UK, 32pp.
Contents: Burrows used the stage name Karlyn. Harry Houdini had a copy of this booklet in his collection. More to come...
DOWNLOAD HERE (soon)(?pp., ?mb)
Read more about J.F. Burrows HERE. (Under research)
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)
by Kate Burton, 1954, David C. Cook Publishing Co., 21pp. (cover is missing on photo to left)
Contents: To come
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Read more about Kate Burton HERE. (Under research)
(This title is out of print but may still be under copyright. Currently researching/seeking permission from owner)
by John W. Cataldo, 1987, Davis Publications Inc.: Worcester, MA, 96pp.
Contents: To come
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Read more about John W. Cataldo HERE. (Under research)
(This title is out of print but may still be under copyright. Currently researching/seeking permission from owner)

by Edward F. Christman, 1918, The Western Baptist Publishing Co.: Kansas City, MO, 12pp. (a 1929 edition had 16pp.)
Contents: Harry Houdini had a copy of this booklet in his collection. More to come...
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Read more about Edward F. Christman HERE. (Under research)
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)
by Edward F. Christman, 1921, Self publ., 32pp. (also a 1930s edition by Mobius Printing, Milwaukee, WI., 16pp. [shown at left])
Contents: To come
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Read more about Edward F. Christman HERE. (Under research)
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)
by Walter Frank Cobb, 1925 (or '26), MacMillian Co.: NY, 243pp. (also 1928 and 1930 editions)
Contents: To come
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Read more about Walter Frank Cobb HERE. (Under research)
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)

by Mrs. Wilbur F. Crafts, 1895, National Temperance Society and Publication House: NY, 36pp., [Note: I believe this material can be found in the 1901 Jennings & Pye edition of Plain Uses of the Blackboard and Slate by W.F. Craft]
Contents: To come
DOWNLOAD HERE (soon)(?pp., ?mb)
Read more about Mrs. Wilbur F. Crafts HERE and HERE.
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)

by Rev. Wilbur Fisk Crafts, 1873, ?pp. (1880 Hodder & Stoughton edition, 228pp.; 1881 Ward & Drummond: NY edition, 345pp. [expanded – contains Life of Christ section]; 1901 Jennings and Graham enlarged edition, 372pp.; Abington 1920 edition; 2006 reprint from Scholarly Publishing: U. of MI; 2008 reprint from Kessinger Publ.)
[1880 Hodder & Stoughton edition pictured far left; 1901 Jennings and Pye 16th edition pictured on right - revised edition with a new dept. on Temperance]
Contents: To come
DOWNLOAD HERE (1880 edition, 238pp., 14.9mb) or READ ONLINE HERE at Google Books. Cover shown far left (do not download the file from Google Books since the file will not be searchable).
DOWNLOAD HERE (1881 edition, 338pp., 21.1mb) or READ ONLINE HERE at Google Books (do not download the file from Google Books since the file will not be searchable). This edition contains an expanded 100pp. section titled "The Life of Christ" Illustrated with Blackboard Exercises, Object Lessons, Stories, etc., but pp. 331-345 are missing. Cover not shown.
Read more about Mrs. Wilbur F. Crafts HERE and HERE.
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)
by Elmer S. Crowley, 1947, T.S. Denison & Co.: Minneapolis/Chicago, 93pp.
Contents: To come
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Read more about Elmer S. Crowley HERE. (Under research)
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)
by Walter N. Edwards, c.1890s, United Kingdom and Hope Union: London, 104pp.
Contents: To come
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Read more about Walter N. Edwards HERE. (Under research)
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)
by Howard Woodrow Ellis, 1961, Warner Press, 64pp.
Contents: To come
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Read more about Howard Woodrow Ellis HERE. (Under research)
(This title is out of print but may still be under copyright. Currently researching/seeking permission from owner)
by Gerry Findler, 1946, Max Andrews: London, 46pp. (also a 1982 reprint by Supreme Magic)
Contents: To come
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Read more about Gerry Findler HERE. (Under research)
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)
by Gerry Findler, circa 1930, W. Foulsham: London, 64pp. (n.d. wartime reprint shown at left)
Contents: To come
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Read more about Gerry Findler HERE. (Under research)
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)
by Harry Wright Githens, 1940, Standard Publishing: OH, 63pp. (1958 reprint [photocopy] shown on right)
Contents: To come
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Read more about Harry Wright Githens HERE. (Under research)
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)
by Addie Gordon, 1995, Self published, 26pp.
Contents: To come
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Read more about Addie Gordon HERE. (Under research)
(This title is out of print but may still be under copyright. Currently researching/seeking permission from owner)
by Merry Grieger, 1994, Self published workshop notes, 31pp.
Contents: To come
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Read more about Merry Grieger HERE.
(This title is out of print but may still be under copyright. Currently researching/seeking permission from owner)

by Eva K. Griffith, 1887, Woman's Temperance Publ. Assoc.: Chicago, 17pp.
Contents: To come
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Read more about Eva K. Griffith HERE.
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)
GRISWOLD, BERT J. (1878-1927)

by Bert J. Griswold, 1913, Meigs Publishing Co.: Indianapolis, IN, 208pp. (1923 edition, middle; 1937 edition, right)
Contents: To come
DOWNLOAD HERE (soon)(?pp., ?mb)
Read more about Bert J. Griswold HERE. (Under research)
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)
HARRIS, ED (? -2003)

by Ed Harris, 1981, Self published, 24pp. (shown far left, size 5.75" x 11").
Note: Newer reprint editions (center and right) are combined with The Chalk-Talk Alphabet book. Center edition is 1987, 24pp, 8.5" x 11". Far right edition is n.d., 48pp, 5.5" x 8.5".
Contents: To come
DOWNLOAD HERE (soon)(?pp., ?mb)
Read more about Ed Harris HERE.
(This title is out of print but is still under copyright by Eric Schlachta. © Eric Paul Enterprises. Used with permission. May not be published in any print or hardcopy form. All rights reserved.)
by Ed Harris, 1973, Self Published, 48pp.
Contents: To come
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Read more about Ed Harris HERE.
(This title is out of print but is still under copyright by Eric Schlachta. © Eric Paul Enterprises. Used with permission. May not be published in any print or hardcopy form. All rights reserved.)
by Ed Harris, 1977, Self published, 80pp. First edition (far left, taken from an ad, says, "Featuring the best as published in the New Tops Magic Magazine with Selected Excerpts from Comic Trick Cartoons [1972] and A Fun Filled Portfolio of Cartoon Magic [1973]. First edition was 8.5" x 11". The "New & Revised" edition shown on the right was first published 1984, 5.5" x 8.5".
DOWNLOAD HERE (soon)(?pp., ?mb)
Read more about Ed Harris HERE.
(This title is out of print but is still under copyright by Eric Schlachta. © Eric Paul Enterprises. Used with permission. May not be published in any print or hardcopy form. All rights reserved.)
by Ed Harris, 1989, Maher Studios, 54pp.
Contents: To come
DOWNLOAD HERE (soon)(?pp., ?mb)
Read more about Ed Harris HERE. (Under research)
(This title is out of print but is still under copyright by Eric Schlachta. © Eric Paul Enterprises. Used with permission. May not be published in any print or hardcopy form. All rights reserved.)
by Ed Harris, 1972, Self published, 48pp.
Contents: To come
DOWNLOAD HERE (soon)(?pp., ?mb)
Read more about Ed Harris HERE. (Under research)
(This title is out of print but is still under copyright by Eric Schlachta. © Eric Paul Enterprises. Used with permission. May not be published in any print or hardcopy form. All rights reserved.)
by Ed Harris, 1985, Self published, 24pp.
Note: This title was later combined with 40 Fun Chalk-Talk Gags by Ed Harris.
Contents: The entire contents of this booklet were republished in The New Tops Magic Magazine, Sep. 1985, pp. 35-41.
DOWNLOAD HERE (soon)(?pp., ?mb)
Read more about Ed Harris HERE. (Under research)
(This title is out of print but is still under copyright by Eric Schlachta. © Eric Paul Enterprises. Used with permission. May not be published in any print or hardcopy form. All rights reserved.)
by Arthur Allen Henrickson, 1956, Self published, 9pp.
Contents: To come
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Read more about Arthur Allen Henrickson HERE. (Under research)
(This title is out of print but may still be under copyright. Currently researching/seeking permission from owner)
by W. Bertha Hintz, 1894, E.L. Kellogg & Co.: NY, 53pp.
Contents: "Illustrative Blackboard Sketching is a book of inestimable value to teachers. Have you ever needed to illustrate some point of a lesson on the blackboard and not been able to do so because you could not draw? If so, this Is the book you want. It will show you how any one can learn rapid blackboard sketching. The ability to do this is one of the most valuable possessions of any teacher. It enables her to interest and hold the attention of her pupils. It is not too late for you to learn how. The basis of the book is a series of lessons given a year or two ago in the Teachers' Institute.
Hundreds of teachers have written asking that we publish them in book form. The author is the most succesful teacher of blackboard drawing in this country. It contains many illustrations..." (ad copy from Primary Education, May, 1895, p.185)
DOWNLOAD HERE (soon)(?pp., ?mb)
Read more about W. Bertha Hintz HERE. (Under research)
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)
HOLDCRAFT, PAUL E. (1891- ?)

by Paul E. Holdcraft, 1921, Meigs Publishing Co., Indianapolis, IN, 64pp. (also a 1928 Pilkington & Sons edition) (1961 edition shown on right)
Contents: Magician Harry Houdini had this title in his collection. (More to come)
DOWNLOAD HERE (soon)(?pp., ?mb)
Read more about Paul E. Holdcraft HERE. (Under research)
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)
by Paul E. Holdcraft, 1937, Abington Press, 60pp. (also a 1937 edition from Stockton Press: Baltimore)
Contents: To come
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Read more about Paul E. Holdcraft HERE. (Under research)
(This title is out of print but may still be under copyright. Currently researching/seeking permission from owner)
by Opal Hull (Lehnus), 1972, Warner Press: Anderson, IN, 64pp.
Contents: To come
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Read more about Opal Hull HERE. (Under research)
(This title is out of print but may still be under copyright. Currently researching/seeking permission from owner)
by Lionel Hunt, 1959, Moody Press: Chicago Illinois, 64pp.
Contents: To come
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Read more about Lionel Hunt HERE. (Under research)
(This title is out of print but may still be under copyright. Currently researching/seeking permission from owner)
KEY, SANDRA (compiler)

by L. James Kindig, 1929, Meigs Publishing Co.: Indianapolis, IN, 64pp. (first edition was hard bound, far left)
Contents: To come
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Read more about L. James Kindig HERE. (Under research)
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)

by Kerry Kistler, 2003, Self published, 40pp.
Contents: To come
Read more about Kerry Kistler HERE.
©2003 Kerry Kistler. Chalk Art: Catching the Vision by Kerry Kistler. Used with permission. May not be published in any print or hard copy form. All rights reserved.

by Kerry Kistler, 2003, Self published, 30pp.
Contents: To come
Read more about Kerry Kistler HERE.
©2003 Kerry Kistler. Chalk Art & Showmanship by Kerry Kistler. Used with permission. May not be published in any print or hard copy form. All rights reserved.

by Kerry Kistler, 2003, Self published, 64pp.
Contents: To come
Read more about Kerry Kistler HERE.
©2003 Kerry Kistler. Creating Hidden Chalk Art Pictures the Sneaky, E-Z Way by Kerry Kistler. Used with permission. May not be published in any print or hard copy form. All rights reserved.

by Leslie Landin, 1956, Fearon, 42pp.
Contents: To come
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Read more about Leslie Landin HERE. (Under research)
(This title is out of print but may still be under copyright. Currently researching/seeking permission from owner)
by John Thomas Lemos & Michael Angelo, 1940, Bridgeman Publishers: Pelham, NY, 64pp. (plain green cloth cover - flyleaf page shown at left)
Contents: To come
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Read more about John Thomas Lemos HERE. (Under research)
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)
HAPPY HOURS FOR BOYS AND GIRLS: A Book for Parents, Junior Leaders, Sunday-School Teachers and Pastors
by Daniel Elwood Lewis, 1909, Sunday School Times Co.: Philadelphia, 128pp.
Contents: To come
DOWNLOAD HERE (1909 edition, 136pp., 4.98mb) or READ ONLINE HERE at
Read more about Daniel Elwood Lewis HERE. (Under research)
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)

by Leonard Linstead, 1950, Bible Memory Association, 82pp. (left image), 1966, Zondervan: MI (right image)
Contents: To come
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Read more about Leonard Linsted HERE.
(This title is out of print but may still be under copyright. Currently researching/seeking permission from owner)

by Rev. John Mitchell, 1898, S.W. Partridge, 164pp.
Contents: To come
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Read more about Rev. John Mitchell HERE. (Under research)
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)

by George McKenzie Munro, 1913, H.W. Simpson: London?, 23pp.
Contents: Harry Houdini had a copy of this booklet in his collection. More to come...
DOWNLOAD HERE (soon)(?pp., ?mb)
Read more about George McKenzie Munro HERE. (Under research)
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)

by George McKenzie Munro, 1913, Self published?, 32pp. (There may be a c.1930 edition published by Wizard: London)
Contents: Harry Houdini had a copy of this booklet in his collection. More to come...
DOWNLOAD HERE (soon)(?pp., ?mb)
Read more about George McKenzie Munro HERE. (Under research)
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)
NAST, THOMAS (1840-1902)
by Jerome O'Conner, 1928, The Queens Work: St Louis, MO, 192pp. (plain black cloth cover - flyleaf shown at left)
Contents: Catholic content - More to come
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Read more about Jerome O'Conner HERE. (Under research)
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)
by Margaret Jean (Olson) Oldfield, 1971, Creative Storytime Press: Minneapolis, MN, 50pp.
Contents: To come
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Read more about Margaret Jean Oldfield HERE. (Under research)
(This title is out of print but may still be under copyright. Currently researching/seeking permission from owner)
by Margaret Jean Oldfield, 1963, Creative Storytime Press, 47pp.
Contents: To come
DOWNLOAD HERE (soon)(?pp., ?mb)
Read more about Margaret Jean Oldfield HERE. (Under research)
(This title is out of print but may still be under copyright. Currently researching/seeking permission from owner)
by Margaret Jean (Olson) Oldfield, 1963, Creative Storytime Press, 45pp.
Contents: To come
DOWNLOAD HERE (soon)(?pp., ?mb)
Read more about Margaret Jean Oldfield HERE. (Under research)
(This title is out of print but may still be under copyright. Currently researching/seeking permission from owner)
PEARCE, PERCE (1899-1955)

by Phyllis N. Pflomm, 1986, Scarecrow Press, 126pp.
Contents: To come
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Read more about Phyllis N. Pflomm HERE. (Under research)
(This title is out of print but may still be under copyright. Currently researching/seeking permission from owner)
by Hy Pickering, 1915, Pickering & Inglis, Printers and Publishers: Glasgow, 108pp. (3rd edition shown at left)
Contents: To come
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Read more about Hy Pickering HERE. (Under research)
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)
by Rev. Robert Fletcher Young Pierce, 1905, F.H. Revell Co., 210pp.
Contents: To come
DOWNLOAD HERE (1905 edition, 220pp., 9.5mb) or READ ONLINE HERE at
Read more about Rev. Robert Fletcher Young Pierce HERE. (Under research)
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)
by Rev. Robert Fletcher Young Pierce, 1895, F.H. Revell Co., 208pp.
Contents: To come
DOWNLOAD HERE (1895 edition, 220pp., 15.9mb) or READ ONLINE HERE at Google Books (do not download the file from Google Books since the file will not be searchable).
Read more about Rev. Robert Fletcher Young Pierce HERE. (Under research)
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)
by Rev. Robert Fletcher Young Pierce, 1922, F.H. Revell Co., 224pp.
Contents: To come
DOWNLOAD HERE (soon)(?pp., ?mb)
Read more about Rev. Robert Fletcher Young Pierce HERE. (Under research)
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)
by David Rand, 1968, Cartoonist Exchange, section on Chalk Talk is 10pp.
Contents: To come
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Read more about David Rand HERE. (Under research)
(This title is out of print but may still be under copyright. Currently researching/seeking permission from owner)
RITCHIE, JOHN (1853-1930)
by John Ritchie, c. 1900, Self published: Kilmarnock, 128pp.
Contents: To come
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Read more about John Ritchie HERE. (Under research)
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)
by Arthur E. Ryde, c. 1940s, Self Published, 37pp.
Contents: To come
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Read more about Arthur E. Ryde HERE. (Under research)
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)
SAINT, REV. PHIL (1912-1993)
by Rev. Phil Saint, 1943, Christian Publications: PA, 64pp.
Contents: 1. No Previous Training Required, 2. A Few Points on Technique, 3. For Those Brave Souls, 4. What Is That in Thine Hand?
“In these pages I have made no effort at exalted literary style but have endeavored to explain in a simple, unaffected and interesting manner what little I have learned about chalk talk work from from my own brief experience and through the partially assimilated wisdom of my betters.”
DOWNLOAD HERE (35pp., 9.65mb)
Read more about Rev. Phil Saint HERE or in his autobiography "Saints Alive!" A short bio is posted on HERE.
©1943 Martha Saint-Berberian. Drawing Men to Christ by Phil Saint. Used with permission. May not be published in any print or hard copy form. All rights reserved.

by Wade Cothran Smith, 1916, Self published, 62pp.
Contents: To come
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Read more about Wade Cothran Smith HERE.
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)

by Wade Cothran Smith
(Vol. 1 - Old Testament) (shown left) 1942, W.A. Wilde Co.: Boston, 213pp.
(Vol. 2 - New Testament (shown middle [dust jacket] and right [no dust jacket] 1944, 232pp.
Contents: To come
DOWNLOAD HERE (soon)(?pp., ?mb)
Read more about Wade Cothran Smith HERE.
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)

by Wade Cothran Smith, 1953, W.A. Wilde, Boston, 192pp.
Contents: "Addresses to boys on the meaning and personal application of basic Christian principles. Character building is stressed, and the great truths of the Bible are revealed in story and illustration."
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Read more about Wade Cothran Smith HERE.
(This title is out of print but may still be under copyright. Currently researching/seeking permission from owner.)
by James G. Steel, 1960, Walterick Printing Co., 59pp.
Contents: To come
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Read more about James G. Steel HERE. (Under research)
(This title is out of print but may still be under copyright. Currently researching/seeking permission from owner)
TARBELL, HARLAN (1890-1960)

by Harlan Tarbell, 1962, T.S. Denison & Co.: Minneapolis, 278pp.
Contents: This volume is a collected reprint of three other Tarbell titles: How to Chalk Talk; Fun With Chalk Talk; Chalk Talk Stunts.
DOWNLOAD HERE (soon)(?pp., ?mb)
Read more about Harlan Tarbell HERE or HERE.
(This title is out of print but may still be under copyright. Currently researching/seeking permission from owner)

by Clyde Truman & Milton Bridges, 1919-1920, publ.?, 27pp.
Contents: To come
DOWNLOAD HERE (soon)(?pp., ?mb)
Read more about Clyde Truman HERE. (Under research)
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)

by Frederick Whitney, 1902, Atkinson Mentzer & Co.: Boston, 32pp. (also a 1903, 6th editon by Milton Bradley Co.: Springfield, MA and a 1905, 3rd edition by David Press: Worchester, MA) (plain dark cloth cover - flyleaf shown at left)
Contents: To come
DOWNLOAD HERE (1903 6th edition, 32pp., 3.51mb) or READ ONLINE HERE at
Read more about Frederick Whitney HERE. (Under research)
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)

by Frederick Whitney, 1906, Milton Bradley Co.: Springfield, MA, 63pp. (also a 1908 and 1925 printing)
Contents: To come
DOWNLOAD HERE (1909, 76pp., 3.13mb) or READ ONLINE HERE at
Read more about Frederick Whitney HERE. (Under research)
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)

by Tommy Windsor, 196?, Supreme Magic Co., Devon, UK, 18pp.
Contents: Although the entirety of this book was not actually written by Tommy Windsor, he did contribute a 5 page section of hints and tips. The remainder is a reprint of older material originally published by Tarbell, Balda, Bjorklund and others.
DOWNLOAD HERE (soon)(?pp., ?mb)
Read more about Tommy Windsor HERE. (Under research)
(This title is out of print but may still be under copyright. Currently researching/seeking permission from owner)
by Tommy Windsor, c. 1943, Abbotts Magic Co.: Colon, MI, 25pp.
"Right up-to-the-minute material that will add pep and novelty to any Magic act. The tricks and novel drawings can be done by a novice; contains tips and the right dope on how to make fake drawing sheets and then, for good measure, information and dialogues for Ventriloquists. Also includes Chalk Talk Opening in Rhyme, Comic Song Parody, Recitation, etc., Three Funny Victory Dialogues — in typescript form. Illustrated by Mel." (taken from 1944 ad copy in The Tops Magic Magazine)
DOWNLOAD HERE (soon)(?pp., ?mb)
Read more about Tommy Windsor HERE. (Under research)
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)
WOOD, ELLA NANCY (1862 - ?)
by Ella Nancy Wood, 1923, F.H Revell, NY, 150pp.
Contents: To come
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Read more about Ella Nancy Wood HERE. (Under research)
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)
by Ella Nancy Wood, 1921, United Society of Christian Endeavor: Boston/Chicago, 188pp.
Contents: To come
DOWNLOAD HERE (soon)(?pp., ?mb)
Read more about AUTHOR HERE. (Under research)
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)
by Ella Nancy Wood, 1935, F.H. Revell: NY, 159pp. (shown with and without dust jacket)
Contents: To come
DOWNLOAD HERE (soon)(?pp., ?mb)
Read more about Ella Nancy Wood HERE. (Under research)
(The Catalog of Copyright Renewals shows this title is now in public domain.)
ZWALL, JERRY (1910 - ?)

by Jerry Zwall, 1977, Self published?, 84pp., (also available in loose-leaf for ring binder)
Contents: Simple how-to-do drawings; Step by step instruction; Easy to do cartoons and diagrams; Invaluable ideas on chalk, paper, easels and art basics; A challenging message in outline form with each drawing; Complete programs for one meeting or a full week of morning and evening services; Many valuable chalk tips.
DOWNLOAD HERE (soon)(?pp., ?mb)
Read more about Jerry Zwall HERE. (Under research)
(This title is out of print but may still be under copyright. Currently researching/seeking permission from owner)

by Jerry Zwall, 1965, '68, Moody Press, 64pp.
Contents: To come
DOWNLOAD HERE (soon)(?pp., ?mb)
Read more about Jerry Zwall HERE. (Under research)
(This title is out of print but may still be under copyright. Currently researching/seeking permission from owner)
In order to make this archive listing as complete as possible, this section lists books which are both protected by copyright AND currently in print. When I am reasonably sure that a title has fallen out of print and is no longer being sold, it will be moved from this listing to the main listing. Even then, the title will not be made available for free download UNLESS permission has been granted by the copyright holder (either author or publisher). If you note any errors please contact me.
- Blitz, Bruce (1 listing: The Big Book of Cartooning - Chapter 8 Doodle Tricks & Chalk Talk)
- Bowman, Matt (1 listing: How to be a Chalk Artist - Phase 1)
- Bradley, Gerald, H. (1 listing: Evangelistic Sketchboard Sermons)
- Christensen, Randy (3 listings: Cartoon Lessons; Easy Gospel Cartoons; Line Lessons)
- Cole, David & Elaine (3 listings: Gospel Draw & Tell - Books 1-3)
- Conrad, Bob (1 listing: Chalk-Talk Cartoons)
- Croddy, Don (1 listing: Workshop Notes for a Ladder Easel)
- Dewey, Ralph (3 listings: Dewey's Easy Gospel Chalk Talks; Dewey's Gospel Cartoon Chalk Talks; Dewey's Gospel Cartoon Fun)
- Dombeck, Raymond (1 listing: Landscapes & Backgrounds for Chalk Artists)
- Dodd, John R. (1 listing: Bucky and Friends - Children's Ministries Using the Tools of Chalk Artistry and Ventriloquism)
- Dorrell, Nathan (2 listings: Amazing Mirror Messages - Reflecting the Truth; Drawing Bible Stories with a Surprise for the Eyes)
- Druce, Arden (1 listing: Chalk Talk Stories)
- Duffecy, Jim (1 listing: Sketch Board Messages [original title was Sketchboard Sermons])
- Haynes, Dwight (2 listings: Drawing Out the Word; A Chalk Art & Sermon Repertoire)
- Johnson, Bruce (1 listing: Charlie's Trick Cartoons)
- LeGrand, David (1 listing: Chalk Art for Christian Ministry - The Most Complete Chalk Art Book Ever)
- Lichi, Greg (2 listings: Picture Perfect; Single Trick Cartoon Downloads)
- Linn, Gary & Alisa (3 listings: Picture This! - Cartoon Bible Lessons; Switchable Sketchables; Single Trick Cartoon Downloads)
- Lockman, Vic (1 listing: Miracle Art: Trick Cartoons)
- McGill, Ormand (1 listing: Chalk Talks - the Magical Art of Drawing with Chalk)
- Means, Gary (4 listings: Chalk Notes; Gospel Lines; Seasons in Chalk; Visible Invisibles - Chalk Illustrators Guide to Using Fluorescents and Black Light)
- Ondra, Dan (4 listing: Chalk Art Workbook; Fine Art Painting with Chalk; Producing Life Changing Programs and Chalk Art Programs; The Easel)
- Open Air Campaigners (2 listings: Open-Air Sketchboard Stores; Young People's Evangelistic Programs [see also titles by Gerald Bradley, Jim Duffecy, Keith Thompson and Owen Shelly])
- Shelly, Owen (1 listing: Chalk Talk)
- Smith, Dr. Robert L. (2 listings: Ideas for Successful Chalk Talking; Successful Chalk Talking - A Complete Guide)
- Teuling, Ding (1 listing: A Course in the Art of Chalk Drawing: Phase 1)
- Thiesies, Darlene (1 listing: Drawing Ideas for Chalk Art)
- Thompson, Keith (1 listing: Sketch & Tell - Everyone Can Do It)
- Vincent, Wanda Cumings (1 listing: Do It With Chalk)
- Vogrin, George (1 listing: How to Construct a Portable Chalk Art Easel)
- Wilson, Del (1 listing: 12 Gospel Tricks with Pen & Paper)
- Winchell, Dave (5 listings: The Art of Drawing People to Christ with Amazing Trick Chalk-Talk Stunts: Volumes 1-5)
by Bruce Blitz, 1998, Running Press, 320pp.
Contents: To come
See a partial preview of the chalk talk chapter HERE.
View two sample shows of Bruce at work HERE.
(This title is still under copyright, in print and may be purchased HERE)

by Gerald H. Bradley, 1970, Open Air Campaigners, 40pp.
Contents: 23 illustrated messages including sections on Sketch board Pointers, Gospel Truths and Introductory Sketches.
Read more about Gerald H. Bradley HERE. (Under research)
(This title is still under copyright, in print and may be purchased HERE or HERE)

by Davild & Elaine Cole, 1995, Children's Outreach, Whiteland, IN, 32pp.
Contents: Stories with surprise endings. The drawings change into a different picture with the addition of a few simple lines. It's so easy anyone can do it with these easy to follow step-by-step instructions. 26 drawings per book: (list to come)
Read more about David and Elaine Cole (Under research)
(This title is still under copyright, in print and may be purchased HERE)

by Davild & Elaine Cole, 1995, Children's Outreach, Whiteland, IN, 32pp.
Contents: Stories with surprise endings. The drawings change into a different picture with the addition of a few simple lines. It's so easy anyone can do it with these easy to follow step-by-step instructions. 26 drawings per book: 1. Work Before You Play; 2. Caring for your pet; 3. Thankfulness; 4. Christmas Wish List; 5. Christmas Tree; 5. Best Thing About Easter; 6. Do Unto Others as you would have them do to you; 7. Joy; 8. Kindness; 9. The Good Shepherd; 10. Kindness to Siblings; 11. Dragon Fly; 12. Caring for your pet; 13. Honest & Brave 14. Randy learns about God; 15. A Whiny Pup; 16. Eye Trouble; 17. Heart Trouble; 18. Give a Hoot 19. Selfish 20. Sin 21. Kindness 22. Seeing Good in Others; 23. Happy Home 24. Kindness 25. Bully 26. Kindness
Read more about David and Elaine Cole (Under research)
(This title is still under copyright, in print and may be purchased HERE)

by Davild & Elaine Cole, 1995, Children's Outreach, Whiteland, IN, 32pp.
Contents: Stories with surprise endings. The drawings change into a different picture with the addition of a few simple lines. It's so easy anyone can do it with these easy to follow step-by-step instructions. 26 drawings per book: 1. Temper; 2. God Loves Everybody; 3. Blessings, 4. Forgiveness; 5. Thank You; 6. Gossip; 7. Answered Prayer 8. Obedience to Parents; 9. Speaking Kind; 10. Look Up; 11. Prayer; 12. Don't Quit; 13. Judas 14. Sissy or Brave? 15. Bragging 16. Stealing; 17.God First; 18. Real Beauty; 19. Bible; 20. God Still Cares; 21. Sin 22. All Have Sinned; 23. Forgiveness; 24. Temper; 25. Heaven 26. Pictures that Change for your story
Read more about David and Elaine Cole (Under research)
(This title is still under copyright, in print and may be purchased HERE)
by Bob Conrad, 1979, Self published, 12pp.
Contents: To come
Read more about Bob Conrad HERE.
(This title is still under copyright, in print and may be purchased by calling Conrad Productions at 800-352-7256)

by Don Croddy, 2005, Self published, 16pp.
To listen to an audio description of these notes click HERE.
(This title is still under copyright, and although it may be downloaded for free, if you find these plans helpful consider sending $5 to the author at: 1782 E. 500 S, Sharpsville, IN 46068)
©2005 Don Croddy. Workshop Notes for Ladder Easel. Used with permission. May not be published in any print or hardcopy form. All rights reserved.
by Ralph Dewey, 1983, Dewey's Good News Balloons, 48pp.
Contents: This book is loaded with surprise-ending Gospel cartoon chalk talks. A cornucopia of Christian chalk talks for pastors and children's ministers or for mission trips.
Read more about Ralph Dewey HERE.
(This title is still under copyright, in print and may be purchased HERE)
by Ralph Dewey, 1979, Dewey's Good News Balloons, 35pp.
Contents: Now even amateurs can easily learn to do chalk talks. This unique book is full of surprise-ending simple chalk talks. Each drawing carries a high impact Gospel message to hold the attention of your audience.
Read more about Ralph Dewey HERE.
(This title is still under copyright, in print and may be purchased HERE)
by Ralph Dewey, 1989, Dewey's Good News Balloons, 32pp.
Contents: More surprise-ending style chalk talks plus fun picture puzzles and drug abuse chalk talks. See how to create cartoon caricatures or animals from a letter or number.
Read more about Ralph Dewey HERE.
(This title is still under copyright, in print and may be purchased HERE)

by John R. Dodd, 2007, Xulon Press, 160pp.
"Bucky and Friends is the result of forty years of experience. It is easy reading with valuable information in ministering to children. It helps in formulating and delivering children's sermons and demonstrates the use of chalk artistry. It also gives valuable help in learning the art of ventriloquism. It contains several heart touching illustrations and humorous gems from the mouths of babes. It also contains a list of seventy-five eye-catching object lessons. If you have a desire to reach kids for Christ, Bucky and Friends is the book you need. It is the author's desire that many will use this book as a tool to reach those precious little souls for Christ. John R. Dodd is pastor of the Sardinia Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Sardinia, South Carolina. He is the founder of Evangelistic-Art Ministries. As evangelist for E.A.M., he has held revivals in churches, camps, and conferences all along the eastern states from New York to Florida. He has held crusades in other countries. Rev. Dodd has used chalk art and ventriloquism in many of his meetings. In addition to his writing he has done book illustrations"
A multi-page preview of this book may be viewed HERE.
(This title is still under copyright, in print and may be purchased HERE)
by Nathan Dorrell, 2003, The Dorrell Evangelistic Press: Atlanta, GA, 134pp.
Contents: This book is more in-depth and shares some really amazing messages in an amazing way. In all there are about 60 different messages. Each of the drawings flips in the mirror to share the message! There's "1 Gate" to Heaven...flips to say "Jesus" because he is the gate to Heaven!
Read a review of this book HERE.
Read more about Nathan Dorrell HERE.
(This title is still under copyright, in print and may be purchased HERE)

by Nathan Dorrell, 2001, The Dorrell Evangelistic Press, 74pp.
Contents: Nathan teaches you simple drawings to share Bible stories in an amazing way! Each story has one complete page for you don't even have to be able to draw! AND, when the drawings are done...each one turns upside-down or sideways to become something totally different in order to share the message of the story! The word "water" becomes "wine" to share the story of Jesus' first miracle. The word "envy" turns into "love." The picture of Nicodemus' face turns upside down to become a woman with a new teach "You must be born again!" All 25 Bible stories have a real surprise for the eyes. Nathan has also added some extra drawings/messages at the end of the book to share other Biblical truths. We recommend this book to Sunday School teachers, Youth workers, VBS leaders, Ministers, Evangelists, Pastors, Christian Illusionists...and anyone who shares scripture and Bible stories! This book is a "must have" for church libraries as well!
Read more about Nathan Dorrell HERE. (Under research)
(This title is still under copyright, in print and may be purchased HERE)

by Arden Druce, 1993, Scarecrow Press: Metuchen, NJ, 160pp.
Contents: Storytellers-librarians, teachers, parents-seeking a unique variation to traditional storytelling will welcome this collection of chalk talk stories. Of special interest, among the twelve stories, are tales for birthdays, Easter, Christmas, Halloween, and rainy days. Artistic ability isn't necessary to reproduce the stories' simple illustrations. This compilation of hard-to-find chalkboard stories will be a valued addition to any storyteller's repertoire. Pre-school through grade 3.
Read more about Arden Druce HERE. (Under research)
(This title is still under copyright, in print and may be purchased HERE)

by Jim Duffecy, 1970, Open Air Campaigners, 100pp.
This book includes sketching hints, scripture puzzle explanations and more than 35 illustrated messages for adult and children`s meetings.
Read more about AUTHOR HERE. (Under research)
(This title is still under copyright, in print and may be purchased HERE)

DRAWING OUT THE WORD: 25 Good News Chalk Talks
by Dwight Haynes, 2009, Self published, 52pp.
Contents: 25 color-illustrated chalk-talks and accompanying hymn references, Scriptures, and sermon outlines for each drawing – also featuring a bonus section of a basic chalk-art class outline entitled, “Chalk-Art: Enjoyable, Effective, EASY.” This booklet would make a great devotional gift or a beginner idea source for any chalk-artist.
Read more about Dwight Haynes HERE.
(This title is still under copyright, in print and may be purchased HERE)

by Dwight Haynes, 1999/2010, Self published, 52pp.
Contents: After a request from an assisted living resident for a compilation of his chalk-drawings for devotional meditation, Rev. Haynes published his first book featuring 25 color photographs of his chalk-drawings with hymn references and devotional sermon outlines – also featuring a bonus section of a basic chalk-art class outline entitled, “Chalk-Art: Enjoyable, Effective, EASY.”
Read more about Dwight Haynes HERE.
(This title is still under copyright, in print and may be purchased HERE)

by Greg Lichi, 2002, Self published, 32pp. (printed and ebook covers are shown)
Contents: This Fantastic Concept for Trick Cartooning by Rev. Greg Lichi features fold-over cartoons with surprise endings. Watch a little girl fold into a candle, the ark of the covenant fold to God on His throne, a robe fold to the word SIN. This extremely popular resource is now available as an EBook! It includes: -15 cartoon designs -Fully scripted lessons for each drawing -Extra lesson topic ideas for each drawing -Master sheet for making a transparency of all drawings
Topics: Achan-disobedience, Joseph-obedience, David’s Anointing-help of Holy Spirit, Ark of Covenant-God’s presence, Bible reading, prayer, Moses and golden calf-priorities, Philip-witnessing, truth sets free, provision or needs, cheerfulness, worry, Abe Lincoln-following God, heaven or salvation, Deborah and Barak-God’s plan, Widow’s coins-offerings and sacrifice
Read more about Greg Lichi HERE. (Under research)
(This title is under copyright as a downloadable ebook and may be purchased HERE)

by Greg Lichi, 2006-2007, Self published.
This great Christmas lesson features drawing a picture of Mary that, after folding and flipping over, turns into baby Jesus wrapped in swaddling clothes!
(This title is under copyright as a downloadable e-lesson and may be purchased HERE)
This great lesson features drawing a flower which amazingly, when flipped over, turns into a drawing of Mom. This is a very good lesson about how God has given us Mothers with good qualities to take care of us. We need not to worry or fret.
(This title is under copyright as a downloadable e-lesson and may be purchased HERE)
This great lesson features drawing a lion which amazingly, when flipped over, turns into a drawing of Daniel praying.
(This title is under copyright as a downloadable e-lesson and may be purchased HERE)

by Gary & Alisa Linn, 1997, Children's Ministry Today, 38pp.
Contents: 12 very innovative cartoon creations that teach Bible stories. Full lessons included.
Also contains instructions for the "Non-Artist" to become an instant "Artist!"
Topics: David-worship; Epaphras-prayer; Mary and Martha–learning from God; Silas-team player; new heavens and new earth; Peter and Cornelius-mind of Christ; Philip-witnessing; Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego-obedience, faithfulness, trials; Moses and Red Sea-trials, trust; Peter in prison-spiritual battles, prayer; Names of Jesus-Bread, Vine, Light; Samson-temptation
Read Alisa Linn's article "How to Do Trick Cartooning"
Read more about Gary & Alisa Linn HERE. (Under research)
(This title is under copyright as a downloadable ebook and may be purchased HERE)

by Alisa J. Linn, 1999, Children's Ministry Today, 20pp.
Contents: See an elderly woman transform to a beauty queen, a veiled lady to a sheik, an American Indian to a hungry man, two gossiping ladies to satan. Full lesson included for each sketch!
Topics: Fruit of Spirit, trusting God, salvation, personal guidance, guard against evil, gossip, authority or leadership, communion, divisions in church and witnessing, God’s faithfulness, judging others, friendship.
Read Alisa Linn's article "How to Do Trick Cartooning"
Read more about Gary & Alisa Linn HERE. (Under research)
(This title is under copyright as a downloadable ebook and may be purchased HERE)

by Gary & Alisa Linn, 2007, Children's Ministry Today
This great ´Thanksgiving´ and ´Gratitude´ lesson features drawing a heart that, after adding a couple of lines and flipping sideways, turns into a drawing of a man´s head.
(This title is under copyright as a downloadable e-lesson and may be purchased HERE)
As you are teaching, you use the letters which spell mother to create the image of a woman. Your kids will be amazed! But there is still an extra surprise to come! Folding the paper in two places produces an extra effect that will delight everyone. The drawing of mother incredibly turns into an ice cream cone! The lesson has an excellent application of Proverbs 23:22 - 25, Proverbs 1:8, Deuteronomy 5:6, and Proverbs 29:15.
(This title is under copyright as a downloadable e-lesson and may be purchased HERE)
by Vic Lockman, 1992, Self published?, 48pp.
Contents: Scores of Trick Cartoons! How to make pictures out of numbers, letters, and names! The art of transforming one picture into an entirely different picture by adding a few well placed lines. Also, Gospel art presentations that you can do for Sunday school!
Read more about Vic Lockman on his website HERE or at Wikipedia HERE.
(This title is still under copyright, in print and may be purchased HERE)
by Ormond McGill, 1995, Millbrook Press, 80pp.
Contents: Based on the works of Harlan Tarbell.
Read more about Ormand McGill HERE. (Under research)
(This title is still under copyright, in print and may be purchased HERE)
by Gary Means, n.d., Self published, 11pp.
Contents: To come
Learn more about Gary Means HERE.
(This title is still under copyright, in print and may be purchased by contacting the author at: Inspirational Chalk Services, 121 Heath Drive, Baden, PA 15005 or 724-601-7942)
by Gary Means, 1981, Self published, 12pp.
Contents: To come
Learn more about Gary Means HERE.
(This title is still under copyright, in print and may be purchased by contacting the author at: Inspirational Chalk Services, 121 Heath Drive, Baden, PA 15005 or 724-601-7942)
by Gary Means, 1991, Self published, 13pp.
Contents: To come
Learn more about Gary Means HERE.
(This title is still under copyright, in print and may be purchased by contacting the author at: Inspirational Chalk Services, 121 Heath Drive, Baden, PA 15005 or 724-601-7942)
by Gary Means, 1985, Self published, 17pp.
Contents: To come
Learn more about Gary Means HERE.
(This title is still under copyright, in print and may be purchased by contacting the author at: Inspirational Chalk Services, 121 Heath Drive, Baden, PA 15005 or 724-601-7942)

by Dan Ondra, ?date, Self published, 43pp.
Contents: A web-based chalk art training program. Learn to draw 7 different pictures step-by-step. 43 pages (a $40 value).
This title is an ebook which is free to view HERE or it may be purchased HERE.
Learn more about Dan Ondra HERE.
© Dan Ondra. Chalk Art Workbook. May not be published in any print or hardcopy form. All rights reserved.

by Dan Ondra, ?date, Self published, 100pp.
Contents: A course consisting of 8 modules. The entire 100 page book is not posted for viewing but significant portions are. (a $50 value) You may view portions of this book HERE.
(This title is still under copyright, in print and may be purchased HERE)
Learn more about Dan Ondra HERE.

by ?, 1980?, Open Air Campaigners, 56pp.
Contains 52 illustrated messages suitable for presentation to adults and children. Messages are grouped together for presentation at evangelistic meetings, discipleship groups or mission programs.
(This title is still under copyright, in print and may be purchased HERE or HERE)

by ?, Open Air Campaigners, 69pp.
Includes 12 sketch board stories complete with suggested board set up and story content. Also includes such topics as, The Structure of a Children's Story, The Preparation and Presentation of a Children's Story, Problems in Children's Evangelism, Program Details, A Six Day Children's Mission, Sword Drill, Children's Choruses, Children's Invitation, a total of 20 topics.
(This title is still under copyright, in print and may be purchased HERE)

by Owen Shelly, 1996, Scripture Union: Lidcombe, NSW, 24pp.
Contents: The Australian author, Owen Shelly, draws on his long experience as a children's evangelist with Scripture Union. This booklet takes you through a series of 10 lessons and provides advice about the simple materials required and is appropriate whether chalk or paints are used on your sketch board. Lesson titles include; "Starting Out", "Adding Color & Shading", "Sketching People & Crowds", "Using a Visual Aid" and more.
Read more about Owen Shelly HERE. (Under research)
(This title is still under copyright, in print and may be purchased HERE or HERE)
by Robert L. Smith, 1994, Self published, 97pp. (this edition has tipped in color plates - current editions do not)
Contents: Part One introduces the fundamental techniques, showing you how to approach the various elements of composition. Part Two presents ten basic ideas demonstrating both a simple and "expanded" treatment along with an outline of a devotional message to go with the picture. Part Three features ten additional compositions, all of which are a bit more complex, along with a condensed version of an accompanying message. Part Four shows 15 Biblical ideas with basic composition designs.
This book is designed to teach you how to use the chalk medium and how to gain competence in the most popular and useful subjects: landscapes, seascapes, figures, objects and buildings. (from the introduction)
Read more about Robert L. Smith HERE. Be sure to listen to a podcast featuring the author at Chalked & Amazed, Episode 008 - Dec. 4, 2009.
(This title is still under copyright and may be purchased by contacting the author directly at 325-646-4814 or 3 Quail Creek, Brownwood, TX 76801 Note: the edition shown here has color plates - current editions do not)
by Robert Leonard Smith, 1972, Baker Book House: Grand Rapids, MI, 103pp. (this title is now self-published by the author)
Contents: Here, in one book, is found everything one needs to know about the art of what the author calls, "chalking while talking." It is a "how to" book in which both the beginners and advanced students of the art will find numerous hints on how to develop techniques that will insure effective communication. Well illustrated, this book encourages even the less-than-talented person to try his hand, for the author insists that "chalk talking is not as difficult as it looks."
Fundamentals of composition, design, and color are presented, along with practical suggestions to help the newcomer get started. (from the back cover)
Read more about Dr. Robert Leonard Smith HERE. Be sure to listen to a podcast featuring the author at Chalked & Amazed, Episode 008 - Dec. 4, 2009.
(This title is still under copyright and may be purchased by contacting the author directly at 325-646-4814 or 3 Quail Creek, Brownwood, TX 76801)

by Ding Teuling, 1995, Advanced Training Institute International: Oak Brook, IL, 48pp.
(alternate cover shown on the right)
Contents: This book is part of the Chalk Art Video Instruction Course. Now the basics of chalk art are available in a four video set. This curriculum was professionally filmed, edited and duplicated by the Bill Gothard Institute. It comes with a 48 page full-color handbook, illustrated with actual drawings and instructions.
Read more about Ding Teuling HERE.
(This title is still under copyright, in print and may be purchased HERE)
by Darlene Thiesies, c.2000, Eternity Arts, 68pp.
Contents: NEW and Improved! Now in ring binding! This printed packet is the result of a lifetime of chalk art work and great ideas. Over 60 pages of beautiful legal size black and white pictures. Darlene went to be with the Lord in November of 2000. Proceeds from this book go to the Darlene Thiesies Memorial fund which helps provide supplies to full time missionaries.
Read more about Darlene Thiesies HERE. (Under research)
(This title is still under copyright, in print and may be purchased HERE)
by Keith Thompson, 1973, Zondervan: Grand Rapids, MI, 81pp. (1980, Anzea Publishers edition shown at left; newer Open Air Campaigners edition shown on right)
Contents: 23 easy-to-draw stories complete with main points, application and sections of practical help such as Materials to Use, Basic Bible Characters, Landscapes & Background and Telling The Story.
Read more about Keith Thompson HERE. (Under research)
(This title is still under copyright, in print and may be purchased HERE)
by Wanda Cumings Vincent, 1993, Noble Publishing Assoc.: Gresham, OR, 63pp.
Contents: This eighty page book features a dozen full color pictures of Wanda's very unique style of chalk drawing. It is loaded with illustrations covering all phases of chalk art. It explains the materials and equipment, art files, perspective, figures in composition, rapid figure drawing, folds, hidden figure procedure, and many other techniques. There is a limited supply of these and they will not be reprinted. If you can only buy one book for chalk art, this is the one. This book is printed on high quality paper with a metal binder which allows it to lay flat. The instruction and illustrations are very clear and easy to follow. There are companion DVDs to this book.
Read more about Wanda Cumings Vincent HERE.
(This title is still under copyright, in print and may be purchased HERE)

by George Vogrin, ?date, Self published, ?pp.
Contents: The Vogrin family presents: How we built our own easel. This book offers a thorough wiring diagram, parts list, and complete walk-through from start to finish
Read more about Vogrins HERE.
(This title is still under copyright, in print and may be purchased HERE)

by Del Wilson, 1985, Doc Haley Magic, ?pp.
All of these lessons require only the simplest of props and preparation, mostly chalk and a chalkboard for larger groups, or pen and paper for smaller groups. Learn two or three of these lessons by heart and never be caught without a devotion, object lesson, or a means to witness. Appropriate for all ages. Includes: Jacob’s Dream / Five Little Words / Finding Jesus / Christ Over You Good News / Good News II / and much more!
Read more about Del Wilson HERE. (Under research)
(This title is still under copyright, in print and may be purchased HERE)

by Dave Winchell, ?date, Self published, 21pp. (printed and ebook covers shown)
Contents: Rev. Dave Winchell´s Ebook has trick cartooning stunts illustrating 10 wonderful lessons. Topics: attitude, doers of Word, witnessing (light in darkness), obedience, reputation, trust, prayer, guarding words or tongue, salvation, faith --Note: Some drawings in this original book appear as sketches. Graphics in books 2 - 4 are better. Designs are based on the work of chalk talk artist Ed Harris.
Read more about Dave Winchell HERE. (Under research)
(This title is under copyright as a downloadable Ebook and may be purchased HERE)

by Dave Winchell, ?date, Self published, 17pp. (printed and ebook covers are shown)
Contents: Rev. Dave Winchell presents 11 trick cartooning stunts illustrating 11 wonderful lessons in this downloadable ebook. Topics: wisdom, God’s power, self-esteem, Bible reading, protection, perseverance, obedience, Adam and Eve-first sin, sinful nature, witnessing and Christ-likeness.
Designs are based on the work of chalk talk artist Ed Harris.
Read more about David Winchell HERE. (Under research)
(This title is under copyright as a downloadable ebook and may be purchased HERE)

by Dave Winchell, ?date, Self published, 16pp. (printed and ebook covers shown)
Contents: Rev. Dave Winchell´s third in this series of trick cartooning ebooks featuring 10 great lessons including: Follow the Rules, Preserving Your Treasure, Cry Babies, No Need to be a Hot Dog, Getting Your Slice of the Pie, What´s the Bright Idea?, When the Trumpet Sounds, Light of the World, The Joy of Teaching, Coping With a Reckless Tongue
Designs are based on the work of chalk talk artist Ed Harris.
Read more about David Winchell HERE. (Under research)
(This title is under copyright as a downloadable ebook and may be purchased HERE)

by Dave Winchell, ?date, Self published, 17pp. (printed and ebook covers shown)
Contents: Rev. Dave Winchell´s 4th in this series of trick cartooning ebooks features 10 incredible lessons that even a non-artist can do! Lessons include: Instant Magic vs. Hard Work, Once Upon A Time, Monkey Business, Thirst Quencher, A Lamp For Jesus, Please Pass the Salt, How to Settle a Fight, Hang on to Wisdom, Clean Up Your Act(ions), The Hospitality Fruit
Designs are based on the work of chalk talk artist Ed Harris.
Read more about David Winchell HERE. (Under research)
(This title is under copyright as a downloadable ebook and may be purchased HERE)

by Dave Winchell, ?date, Self published, 19pp. (printed and ebook covers shown)
Contents: Rev. Dave Winchell’s 5th in this series of great trick cartooning ebooks includes 10 more wonderful lessons including: Stubborn As A Mule!, Have A Nose For News, Nutty About Nuts, Top Cops, Who Do You Hang With?, Cutting Words, To Be Or Knot To Be, Harmless As A Dove, For Ted’s Sake, A Promise Is A Promise
Designs are based on the work of chalk talk artist Ed Harris.
Read more about David Mitchell HERE. (Under research)
(This title is under copyright as a downloadable ebook and may be purchased HERE)
Do you have any of these titles in your collection, or know of additional titles, alternate covers, articles, biographies, etc.? If you do, and would be willing to loan or sell them for the purpose of this Archive, please contact me via E-MAIL. Thank you in advance for assisting.
- Albright, Nancy T., DO TELL! HOLIDAY DRAW AND TELL STORIES, 1987, ?pp.
- Balda, John, 20 PATRIOTIC CHALK STUNTS, 1942?, ?pp.
- Baron, Harry, LIGHTNING CARTOONS, ?date, ?pp.
- Bartholomew, Charles Lewis, THE BART CHALK TALK SYSTEM, 1918, 20 pp.
- Beard, Frank, ONE HUNDRED SERMON PICTURES, 1902, ?pp.
- Bridges, Jeanne, CHALK TALKS FOR CATECHISTS, 1967, 66 pp.
- Burman, W., TALK PLUS CHALK: A Handbook for Teachers, 1943, ?pp.
- Butcher, Sam, 24 CHALK TALKS, ?date, ?pp.
- Crafts, Rev. Wilbur Frank, BLACKBOARD TEMPERANCE LESSONS, 1895, 36 pp.
- Griffith, Eva K., CHALK TALK HAND BOOK, 1887, 17 pp.
- Kuhn, Charles Harris, DOC. KUHN’S CHALK TALK TRICKS, 1918, 12 pp.
- Landin, Leslie, BLACKBOARD DRAWING: A Handbook of Blackboard Cartooning and Ideas for Teachers, 1956, 42 pp.
- Loscalzo, Dick, CARTOON STUNTS, 1921, 8pp.
- Loscalzo, Dick, COMPLETE COURSE OF CARTOON STUNTS, 1921, 10 loose pp.
- Mitchell, Rev. John, HOW TO GAIN THE EYE OF THE YOUNG: Blackboard Illustrated Object Lessons, 1898, 164 pp.
- Munro, George McKenzie, LIGHTNING SKETCHES, 1913?, 32 pp.
- Nast, Thomas, CHALK TALK, ?date
- Pearce, Perce, HOW TO GIVE A CHALK TALK, 1916, 30 pp.
- Pflomm, Phyllis, CHALK IN HAND: The Draw and Tell Book, 1986, 126 pp.
- Prescott, C.E., CHALK TALK AND CARTOONING, c. 1960, 16 pp.
- Rogers, W.R., YOU CAN GIVE A CHALK TALK, 1981, 59 pp.
- Seiler, Walter, CHALK TALK, 1917, Kansas City, MO, 22 pp.
- Shafer, Albert, HAVING FUN WITH CHALK, 1946, ?pp.
- Smith, Wade, THE LITTLE JETTS YOUTH TALKS, 1953, 192pp.
- Smith, E.H., GOSPEL CHALK TALKS, 1952, 55 pp.
- Sweeting, George, IDEAS FOR THE CHALK ARTIST, 1959, 59 pp.
- Thorndike, Chuck, ARE YOU A DOODLER?, 1940, 52 pp.
- Truman, Clyde, HOW TO GIVE A CHALK TALK, date?, ?pp.
- Truman, Clyde & Milton Bridges, SUGGESTIONS, TRICKS, EVOLUTIONS FOR THE CHALK TALKER, 1919-20, 27 pp.
- Truman, Clyde, TRUMAN’S CHALK TALK IDEAS: NO. 1 & 2, 1936/1949, 19 pp.
- Vallance, George Frederick, OBJECT LESSONS AND BLACKBOARD TALKS, 1930, 92 pp.
- Zwall, Jerry, TEACHING THE WORD WITH CHALK, 1977, ?pp.
This section is dedicated to them and will contain vintage material (articles, promo material, video segments, links, downloads, etc.). I have a lot of material to post so please be patient.
- P.H. Kadey site HERE (click LINKS on page to see a list of information about other historical chalk artists).
- Quick on the Draw: The Lost Art of Chalk Talk by Dan Nadel
- Invisible Pattern Makes Chalk Talk Easy, Popular Mechanics, June, 1927, pp. 996-999
- Newspaper as a Substitute for Chalk Talk Lecturers, Popular Science, December, 1917, p. 932
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